Monday, April 11, 2011

Some Changes:) 4-8-11

So, of course we have had some changes from the bengging of the game to now. The three main changes would be the question on the same screen, meteors actually moving, a bonus level.

Our first change would be that the question is on the same screen. At the bengining it was the you had to it the meteor and then receive the question. Since some people are picky and said that it was a quiz game that way we changed it to the way it is now. The question is now at the bottom of the screen.

Another thing we changed is that now the meteors actually move. Before the meteors were still and it was kind of boring to be truthful. It is new and improved now.

Bonus level is now added to our game. Before we never had a bonus level but now we do. We added this so the game would be more fun and to put more inactivity on the game so that it would not be a quiz game.

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