Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Blog on Final Game 5-24-11

      What would we change  about our game if we had the time? We only have one thing that we would  change. That would be the position of the meteors.
     Well,  in our game we have flying meteors. The main Globaloria people had one main suggestion, which was to change the spots of them. Personally we thought it was fine but they are the smart ones didn't so that needs to be changed. They thought  since the correct answer on 2 levels was on the same row that one of them need to be changed.
   All but the one little problem my partner and I thought our game was great and we are very satisfied with it.

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Final Game

     Our final game is due Thursday and we are going to present it. This year has went by so fast. Now it is time to grade myself and Brittany. We both worked on the game a lot.
    Grading Brittany should be easy. She worked on the game good, works coopritaly with me, and she is always caught up on her work. The only bad thing was is she is not very good with flsh but it is her first year. I think she deserves a 100 A+.:)
     On to grading myself. I think this year I did pretty good working on the game and I work with Brittany good. I was usually caught up with my work. I think that I deserve a 92%.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Our Final Game 4-22-11

     Yeah,, our game is like finished. We have changed it a lot since the benging. Meators move and the problemis on the same screen. The only problem with our game is the bonus level is not working correctly. The hit test on the drag and drop refuses to work. It is getting on my nerves. If anyone has a code for a hit test on a drag and drop please send me the code on me wiki page. Amber's Link to wiki page! Besides the bonus level the game is completely working and all we have left to do is fix some errors.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Stuff due Thursday....:) 4-15-11

Our game is basically finished but by next Thursday, we need to finish the bonus level. It is there and all but the hit test on the drag and drop refuses to work. Hopefully by next Thursday it wll work. Also, we need to fix some spelling and grammer errors. Besides these problems our game is finished.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Some Changes:) 4-8-11

So, of course we have had some changes from the bengging of the game to now. The three main changes would be the question on the same screen, meteors actually moving, a bonus level.

Our first change would be that the question is on the same screen. At the bengining it was the you had to it the meteor and then receive the question. Since some people are picky and said that it was a quiz game that way we changed it to the way it is now. The question is now at the bottom of the screen.

Another thing we changed is that now the meteors actually move. Before the meteors were still and it was kind of boring to be truthful. It is new and improved now.

Bonus level is now added to our game. Before we never had a bonus level but now we do. We added this so the game would be more fun and to put more inactivity on the game so that it would not be a quiz game.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Peer Evulation 4-1-11

     Yesterday we evulated our peers, they also evulated us. We learned some thing in this evulation like some colors need to be changed, the super hero needs to go faster, and we need to fix the bonus level.
    The most common comment we got was " font colors need to be changed.". We had a problem with makeing all the buttons blue and then we messed up and turned the background blue. Brittany and I are working on changing all the buttons though. So, here soon it will be fixed.
     The next problem was that SPM man did not move fast enough. Alouth we think it moves fast enough, we are going to make it faster because they are the player and they know how they like it. So, we are going to make it move faster.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Using time wisely 3-25-11

               My partner and I use our time very wisely. It takes a lot of time to create a globaloria game and update our pages regularly. Using our time wisely is what everyone in globaloria needs to do, because if we want our games to be finished you have to. There is no time to waste time. So, you must use your time wisely by always be on task by either working on your game or by updating the team page. :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

     I think that we had three main osptciales  which were hit tests, actions, and level three. These are the main ospticles that we have faced. We have or are working on over coming the them or already have fixed them.
      Hit test were a problem when we first started on the second copy of our game. When we first started, we could not ett any of the hit test on meators working. We have got all the hit test working on level 1 and level2.
      Action script for the mators looping was hard to get to work. At first none of them would move, then 1 of them would move, and now all of them move. Making them move took almost 2 weeks, but it works now and that's goood. [:

We are working on level 3 right now. We are having a little trouble getting the meators to group. They rufuse to work with us. We plan on getting halp for someone and overcoming it.

All of these problems we have already overcame or are still working on it. We know that our game has a couple of problems, but by the end of the we know that our game will be finished and working great.[:

Friday, March 11, 2011

Progress 3-11-11

    We did complete our goals from last week and more. We are almost finished with game completely. We have three levels that are functioning and a bonus level that is almost completely functioning. On the bonus level we have the drag and drop working we just need to find a code to make it go to a right/wrong screen. If anyone has any codes that will help us leave it on my social page as a message.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Goals 3-4-11

   My goals are to finish level 2 and to finish the design of level 3. We set the goals yesterday. We are pretty confidante that we can complete these goals by the end of 4th period. We are almost finished with these goals. We plan to upload the newest version of the game on Monday.

Friday, February 25, 2011

My Game 2-25-11

    My game is going very well I think. Good things about our game are that it is almost finished, you get to be a super hero named SPM. A bad thing about game is it is not very colorful and it is kind of plainish. We got this because when our classmates looked at our game, that is what they told us. :( We are working to change that though. We have already started on that so that our audience will like the game better.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Making my game a non-quiz game 2-18-11

     Well, my game was a quiz game along with almost every ones in my class. So, my partner and I had made some changes. We restarted the game, made the meteors fly across the screen instead of being still, and we put more color into our game. We had to restart our game because we thought that it would be easier that going back and changing all the action. I have to say that sense we presented our game demo we have come very far because we are already almost finished with level one. That's pretty far because we worked half a year and didn't even have a level finished.  We also made the meteors fly instead of just being still, hitting them then going to a question. We thought that it would be funner that way.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Omg Game Progress after Demo!!!! 2-11-11

     My progress after presenting my demo has not been good. We had to start all over which is a very long process. They did not think that our game was interactivity enough.So, we decided to just start all over because it would be easier than to go back and change all the action script. Conculding our progress has not been very far.

Friday, February 4, 2011

What I learned from the demo!!! February 4, 20011

     We presented our demos a couple of days ago. So, I learned that the  Globaloria people in New York love to help us improve our game. They give wonderful comments that my partner will take into conderation. They told us that it was a QUIZ game which in my opinion it is NOT and that we needed to put more interaction. So, we decided to keep the same super hero but we are going to discard everything we have done. The level one that is completely done is garbage now.  But it is to make our game better.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The greatest Challenge

Well, for me the greatest challenge so far has been the game demo. The reason is, is because I'm not a great speller. That is probably is not a big problem for some people but it is for me. With the game demo we as a group had a lot of spelling errors. We intend on going back and fixing the errors though. Another challenge was getting SPM to move.