Thursday, May 13, 2010


I dropped that they player can dress their own character. It was a little hard to decide to drop it because of the coding. It would be really hard to do that. If I hgad more time I would but the due date for our game is friday. And we just put our scenes togather. It was hard to do that but we had to. Our game is functioning and is coming out very well but it is not going to be the best game their is. I wish we had enough time to make it more funner but, we don't have enough time because the end of the year is coming and that means TIME'S UP!! It's sad I know. But, I wish I had more time. Oh, and you'll be seeing me next year in Globaloria!

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog Amber! And it is a shame that your character only has one outfit, but I'm sure its still educational. =]
