Well, my new year resolution in Globaloria is to keep my A average a
nd to finish my game in the way my partner (Angel) and I (Amber) planed it to be. I hope to have 2 to 3 levels. My game is not clase to done but we are were we are suppose to in the game. We have had some diffcuulties but, we always got help for the sake of the game! LOL! So, we would love to make our game very very colorful! Togather we have decided that our new year resolution togather is to get the game done before the due date and to make it very colorful and pretty! We hope to make our game for upper elementary. Like 4th and 5th graders! We hope anyway!

Okay, here is the site where my final game will be:http://www.myglife.org/usa/wv/srmswiki/index.php/Team:Smarties
Thankz fo readin'! Amber Hurley!!!!!
Amber, your blog is great and yes it is very colorful lol! I like how you want to finish your game and keep your A average but, you could be more descriptive about how you're going to accomplish these goals. Other than that, you're blog is looking good! =)