Friday, September 24, 2010

Imangeing your game

Hey whats up people I have an awesome idea for a game. Well, I think so! HAHAHA Well we want our game to be in either the adventure genre or action genre. We ( Me and my partner Brittany ) came up with an idea. Here it is: You are the super hero in your town. You have a proportion problem you have to solve. You are flying around town and meteors are coming at you. You remember what you problem was and see the correct answer. You hit it. This was the only meteor big enough to harm the  town. But, If you crushed the wrong meteor you town would have died. You would of had to start all over.
     I am kinda excited to make another game this year. I want to make this game a little better than the last on I made. So, I'm gonna try. I seriously think that I can secede. So, I think that me and my partner Brittany can do a pretty good job.

Interducing the team

Click on the picture to go to the website I got it from!
 Hey our team is called the  Whatchamacallits! Just like the candy bar. But, were not chocolate! HAHA Well the team is Me ( Amber ) and Brittany. Here is a link to my page Daunez12. This is Brittany's page Britt.htmn. Her is a link to our team page: Whatchamacallits. Brittany is manamger, coder, graphic,and text.Ameber is manamger, coder, graphic,and text. We share all the parts. We are a couple of sharing people! LOL

Friday, September 17, 2010

Mini Game

 Hi, it is me again. I am here to blog. So, here goes! The mini game assiginment was fun. Well, I don't play that many games in my free time. I play the wii. I love the game The GodFather Black Hand Edition. It is the greatest game known to man. Well, I think anyway. Haha. But, I don't think that the mii game assiginment helped me that much. It did a little but not that much as I said. I was in this class last year so I pretty much know alot of it. But not all because that sounds a little self conceded. Bahaha! So, the mini game did not put that much prospective in for  me. Sorry, Globaloria!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Chossing A topic

      Hi, I'm Amber I am making an adventure game.I choose the topic because played a couple of the games and liked it. Well, on my page I put a couple of links  to help me understand the topic.I play all different gernes of games but we like the adventure gerne best. So, I went and did some research and found a couple of websites that I liked and I linked them to my page. I put it under the topic choosing a topic because that was my assiginment.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Playing to Learn

              Well, I like the adventure game genre. I am wanting to do my game in that genre. The game that give me the ideal is W.V Animal Squad. I like everything about the game. I love how it is set up. I think that it would be a wonderful topic. Me and my partner both like the topic but were still not sure. But we know what we want to call our game we picked out servile choices. So, that is what I want to do my game on.