Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I choose to do my blog on the Muffin Tank's game. They are from South Harrision High School (SHHS). Their game is called Surivial of the Smartest. The makers of the game are Lexy.pwn, Qnicholson, and Tcurfman91. They came I like their game. I love how you anwser a question before you get to play the game. I think that is really cool. LOL I love the way they have their game set up to. But I think that their writing on the newest flash file on ther teaam page is kinda hard to read. So, that is one thing they need to change about their game. I think anyway. That is my opinion anyway. I don't see much of a change between their acual game and their paper prototye. Just little ones. So, over all I love their game.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Function Blog for 3-25-10

I have choose to do the Tigers game. The members of the team are Cassie and Heather. Their game is called Supreme Basketball.
I choose their game because I already knew about it and I liked their idea. I know that it teaches their audience about conditional rights. It will give them a court case I think and they will choose the right and and finish the case to play the basketball part. I know that Cassie and Heather are both good with flash. I get Cassie to help me with mine some times. So I know it will be a good game. Hope you liked my blog about your game Heather and Cassie. - Amber

Friday, March 19, 2010

Narrowing my topic

Hey, I have choose to do our power point. Click on the word Power point to see our team page. We worked on it togather. It was kinda easy. We helped each other.
With the power point it helped us realize that we needed to narrow our topic and get on the same page. I think anyway. Because I am more of the ideal person and she is more of the drawing with flash person. It comes easier to her with the drawing. Anyway I think that the power point brought our more ideals.
Our team is the Smarties.
Daunez12 (AMBER)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Blog for 3/5/10

Hey, people watcha doin? Well, I am gonna tell you about my game presentition!

I presented my powerpoint about 2 weeks ago. I thought it went fairly well. I was not the best. I loved watching other peoples powerpoint I learned about their topics and how far they are in their game. I think that we all are in about the same place. Oh, and I learned that other people are having a little trouble with their topic. Although David and them did give us very good suggestions. They were very good ones. We are going to try to use the ideals in our game. I know we are gooing to try to take the title suggeston. They did not like our title that much. So, we are looking into changing.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Intro to Team and Me

Hey, I am Amber Hurley. My wiki user name is Daunez12. I am in the team Smarties! The members are Angel (Ak09) and I. Here is a link to our team page:
Our game fits into the function catogory. It fits into the catagory because it teaches about the president and not about indivual rights.
Here is a link to my (Amber) page: Daunez12
Here is a link to Angel's page: Ak09